John N Garrett III posted 2 years ago in Feature Request

Attendance Group

I would like to see on the group dashboard attendance reflected as a % for the group. I like to report on group attendance in terms of % of team attending meetings each week/month. Also I would like to be able to pull a group attendance report showing how the group performed during specific time frames.
Seong Bae wrote 2 years ago
Hi John, When you pull attendance report, you can specify date range. I'm not sure if showing % on the group dashboard for attendance is necessary. The attendance on dashboard was meant to show changes in attendance over a period of time. % would show same changes and thus two lines will be identical. Also, attendance number is for each month for each meeting - so if there are 10 members in a group and there were two bi-weekly meetings in this month and all members attended, it would show 20 for January. Seong

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