About Gabriele Strasky-Poelzl

Relationship specialist, author, speaker and international matchmaker since 2001. Gabriele helps singles and couples to live in a happy relationship.

About Gabriele Strasky


I help singles to acquire the skills they need to find and be confident they will keep the love of their life, without wasting time on a wrong partner so they can spend the rest of their life in a happy and harmonious relationship.

Email: matchmaker@gabrielestrasky.com
Free strategy-sesson: https://calendly.com/gabrielestrasky/strategy-session

WHAT IF you found your most burning questions about LOVE, RELATIONSHIP, AND SEX all answered in a book, whether you are single or in a relationship?

Gabriele is the author of LOVE LIKE ROMEO & JULIET WITHOUT THE TROUBLE OF HAVING TO DIE. 20 years of observations in matchmaking as well as coaching of singles and couples are condensed in this book.

This book is right for you if you want to
• Avoid the most common mistake when falling in love.
• Learn the difference between infatuation and lasting love.
• Get the roadmap to lasting love Romeo & Juliet only wished they’d had.
• Understand the male and female viewpoint on sex.
• Know the effects of a sexless relationship and can change them.
• Learn how to run a company while also enjoying a great relationship.